Making a Successful Leap from Corporate to Startup Founder - #guestpost

Do you have a great idea? The technical ability to execute? And the desire to make it come to life?

And yet – you haven’t started. You’re still dreaming about how great your idea would be as a startup. But you worry about founding a startup.

You may think that startup entrepreneurs are starving students, living on a diet of Ramen Noodles, to make their dreams come true. But actually most startups are founded by established professionals. Successful startup founders have an average age of 40, according to the Kauffman Foundation.

Gary’s post dives deeply into the difficulties of would-be entrepreneurs, who already have a successful career, but who have a great idea for a startup. In particular, Gary talks about the importance of the team supporting a new startup founder. As he notes, startups are a team sport – and one of the most important roles on that team is that of the coach. A great coach can help a new entrepreneur successfully make the leap from a corporate role to a startup founder role.

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